Your Year: Unveiled

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Your Year: Unveiled


Picture receiving divine guidance similar to a road map, guide, or virtual GPS for the coming year 2022. Something divinely created just for you, dear heart, to help you co-create your best year ahead, each and every day.

Wouldn’t that feel amazing and reassuring to have this divine compass or direction guiding you forward? You can. You can receive your very own Your Year: Unveiled from the angels.

Last year, I was divinely guided to create an annual and monthly guidance system using my “Love Notes from The Divine” inspirational card deck as the guideposts.

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These 13 topics and messages have been instrumental in how I have lived my life and the choices I’ve made, and the intentions I have set during the year. I wanted to share this beautiful way of living with you too, dear heart. 

The 13 topics and messages are 1 overall theme of the year and 12 monthly guiding words, one for each month during the year. Your theme of the year could be your word of the year or work in conjunction with your word of the year. The theme is the “how or the way” you will navigate each day during the year. 

Each month, a unique guiding word unveils itself for your co-creating pleasure and guidance. 

You’ll receive a beautiful pdf booklet with Your Year: Unveiled customized just for you. It includes your theme for the year and your guiding words and messages for each month, along with divinely inspired messages just for you from angelic practitioner Janette Stuart personalized for each of your 13 guideposts for the year. Each is in full color with room for notes you may want to jot down along the way. It also includes directions for use and intentions you may want to incorporate into your days ahead. 

Once purchased, within about 3-4 business days, you will receive your fully customized and divinely inspired Your Year: Unveiled via email pdf.
Please note, this is an electronic file/pdf and not a book.