
Embracing Joy Through Adversity Interview of Janette Stuart by Katarina Todorovic

Written by Katarina Todorovic | Published On April 15, 2024 on MysticMag

In a world often shadowed by uncertainty and challenges, Janette Stuart emerges as a radiant beacon of hope and joy. As the Emissary of Joy at Angel Angles, a best-selling author, angelic practitioner, and a triumphant survivor of pancreatic cancer, Janette’s journey epitomizes resilience, faith, and the transformative power of positivity. Through her remarkable experiences and unwavering spirit, Janette has touched countless lives, illuminating pathways to inner peace and healing. In this exclusive article-interview, we delve into Janette’s inspiring story, exploring her insights on navigating adversity, embracing joy, and finding profound meaning amidst life’s trials. Join Mystic Mag as we embark on a journey of enlightenment and empowerment with Janette Stuart, a true testament to the extraordinary strength of the human spirit.

Can you share a pivotal moment or experience that led you to discover your connection with angels and pursue angelic practices?

My “why I do what I do” now came as a result of my beloved brother’s sudden illness, rapid decline, and passing in 2012. I grew up in the church and knew about Angels but didn’t know they could help “regular people” just like me. I thought you had to be a Saint or Holy One to work with the Angels. I found a woman who worked with the Angels, and her words on Facebook shared the love and wisdom from the Angels, which were like a healing balm to my soul during that difficult time of my brother’s rapid health decline in 2012. I could feel the love pouring my way from the Angels during those dark days. I felt loved, supported, protected, and held. Following a year of grief, I reached out to have a private Angel Card Reading with her, and it was marvelous and healing. It was pivotal in my life, and a mere six months following my first angel card session, I was taking classes on how I, too, could assist people during life’s challenges by sharing the love, joy, and peace I received from the Angels and became a Certified Angel Card Reader.

As a Best Selling Author, you’ve likely encountered various challenges in your writing journey. How do you navigate obstacles and maintain inspiration throughout your creative process?

When I first began my business in 2015 following a successful career in local public administration, I was afraid to put my name on my work. I came from a financial and human resources background, and switching to using my soul wisdom and guidance, I thought, what will people think when I profess to channel Angelic Love and Wisdom? I felt the imposter syndrome, with feelings of not being good, credentialed, or brilliant enough. I’m sure many of your readers can identify with those feelings of inadequacy which happen to many of us at various points in our lives.

I wrote my first book in 2016 as I was guided by divine inspiration. From the age of 8, I knew I would be a writer and author. I self-published and didn’t even know there was a whole process to get your words out to readers. I had several thousand followers on social media then and thought I would sell a thousand books easily. Boy, I was in for a surprise!

Although disappointed in the initial sales, I wasn’t deterred from my mission to release a series of devotional books in my volume set, “On a Path of Joy.” I felt guided to release four volumes before I became ill in the fall of 2018.

In early 2019, I was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, and for a few months, my writing was put on hold while I underwent treatment. I began blogging about my journey to provide hope for others also experiencing that difficult physical and emotional healing journey. Today, I am thriving, and I am so grateful.

I write every day to express myself and obtain clarity. I share my writing as inspired, and I am in quietude daily to nurture and fill my cup with divine inspiration. As an empath, I require much time in solitude to recharge my energy and nurture my creativity.

What type of services do you offer?

I’m happy to provide private 1:1 Angel Card Readings and 1:1 Self-Care Strategies sessions on Zoom.

Your blog, Angel Angles, serves as a platform for spreading positivity and spiritual guidance. How do you ensure authenticity and relevance in your content while catering to diverse audiences?

My Angelic guidance is to spread love, joy, and peace through the content shared on my blog, and I like to remind the visitors of their divine heritage and that they are not alone. Lately, Self-Care and Self-Love have been a huge focus to share the reminder we are never alone; the Angels have our back. We each have at least two guardian angels who are with us our entire life and love us unconditionally. We don’t focus on any one religion but share universal love and compassion. Our audience has a diverse community of Angel lovers worldwide, and I rely on divine guidance regarding content and frequency.

Your work encompasses both spirituality and practicality. How do you reconcile these seemingly contrasting aspects in your teachings and writings?

For me, life is very simple. I am a spiritual being living here now, and so are you. It feels like we are more alike than dissimilar when we focus on the truth of our nature. I like to remind myself and others that we are here to shine our light and to live a life of love, joy, and peace. We came from Love, and that’s where we’ll return when this journey is over. I try to remember to view my world through the Divine lens of Love. I don’t always remember that concept, but I can begin again and lean into Love.

As someone who helps others connect with their divine inner wisdom, what advice would you give to individuals who feel disconnected or lost in their spiritual journey?

We are all unique individuals who came here for a specific purpose. Being our most authentic, true selves and sharing that bright light with the world brings fulfillment and joy. It doesn’t matter if you are excited about painting, cars, decorating, writing, music, cooking, crafts, technology, or animals…we all have something that sparks our creativity and makes us feel happy and grateful to be alive. We should point our compass to what brings us joy. Be your “you-est you” and I’ll be my Janette-est Janette.

We go amiss when we give away our personal power by hiding or shrinking our truest selves by turning from our joy and catering to others ideas of what is best for us, what we “should” do for a living, how we should live our lives, dress, behave, what we should acquire, attain, or how we should conform. That’s where we get disconnected or lost in life.

Trusting Signs of Love from Above

A couple of days ago, my son asked me to pray for him about a specific area of his life. I was on it, let me tell you! It was an honor to be asked and did my Momma's heart a world of good.

I was so grateful for the trust and privilege he bestowed upon me as he shared his heartful request.

That same day during my weekly free angel readings, we received the Divine Guidance and Power messages from The Healing with the Angels deck by Doreen Virtue.

One of the attendees received the message of signs (see image below) and prompted a discussion of the many ways angels try to get our attention.

Feathers, coins, lyrics of songs, birds, butterflies, and repetitive or unique number sequences are just a few examples of signs of love from above.

This card is Signs from the Healing with The Angels card deck by Doreen Virtue. You can join us for free weekly mini-angel readings in the Angel Angles Angel Circle of Gratitude group on Facebook.


While making the bed today, I was thinking of my son and praying for him and his special request, and lo and behold; I found a dime in the bedding.

Coins are often a sign of love from above for me and hold a special place in my heart. I could have easily dismissed it as it had only fallen from my husband's pocket or discounted its importance.

Instead, I filled my heart full of love and gratitude for the miracle of finding this sign of love from above seconds after sending my petition heavenward.  

I delight in the miracles and synchronicities I find during my day. A favorite quote about miracles for me is by Albert Einstein.

"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." - Albert Einstein

This special gift from the Angels is delighting my heart today, friends. I trust the best and highest is on the way for my son and am so grateful for this sign of love from above.

What are some of your favorite signs of love from above that the Angels send your way? I'd love to hear. You can post your answers in the comments section below or email me at

Blessings for a beautiful day full of love, joy, and peace.



Janette Stuart: Best Selling Author, Ordained Minister, Certified Angel Card Reader, Blogger, Military Mom, and Emissary of Joy at Angel Angles and Well-Being and Wonder will assist you to own and embrace your divinity and live a life of love, joy, and peace. Gentleness and Joy are her

Bouncing Back and Flourishing

We've all lived through challenging times these past two and a half years. You have experienced so much. Make sure you celebrate your perseverance and strength, dear heart.

You are not the same person you were at the beginning of 2020. These difficult conditions have honed your resiliency.

I looked up the definition of resilience in the dictionary (yes, I do use a real, old-school dictionary) frequently. I'm forever looking up words I've not heard of before or if I'm unsure of their meaning or usage. I love words and am a self-described "word nerd." Maybe you can relate. *smile*

Anyway, the word resilient is defined as "recovering readily, as from adversity or illness, buoyant, springing back after compression or stretching, elastic." Seems like a great definition we can identify with, especially after these past two years.

I've been watching a tree in the neighborhood during my morning walks. The majority of the tree’s interior is missing and yet, she stands tall and thrives. See her photo below. She is the epitome of resilience.

See how much of this tree’s interior is missing due to disease, injury or accident? Still she thrives and continues to bounce back and flourish. Great lesson for us all. <3


Like this tree, we are all looking to bounce back, recover readily and stand firm when things are tough. One of the ways I do this is by selecting a word of the year. It is my guidepost and beacon of how I want to live each day. This practice has increased my resiliency.

During 2019, I journeyed with pancreatic cancer, which helped hone my inner strength as I concentrated hour-by-hour on healing.

My word of the year for 2019 was Flourish. Each day, sometimes many times during the day, I would focus on how I could best flourish at that moment.

Sometimes flourishing while feeling nauseous, when my hair was falling out, and when nothing tasted "right," looked like resting, taking an antinausea pill, reaching out to a loved one or friend, or knowing and trusting that brighter days were ahead.

That mindset, along with my fantastic medical support team and the hosts of family, friends, and strangers who supported my family and me during those scary days, helped forge my complete healing and enabled me to recover, thrive and become stronger and more resilient than ever before.

I am so grateful to be here today to share my story and to celebrate the miracle of my healing. In fact, my words of the year for 2020 was Celebrate, and for 2021 was Miracles. Each day during those two years, I looked for ways I could celebrate or find a miracle. It's a marvelous way to live.

My word of the year for 2022 is Wonder and daily I'm on the lookout for it. Sometimes, it's something beautiful I see, experience, or ponder. I like to take a daily walk out in nature and capture a picture of something lovely and occasionally share my wonder with others.

I appreciate you reading my story, and I'd like to share more about being resilient and living your best life.

You are invited to attend an upcoming event hosted by The Wellness Universe, produced, created, and hosted by Leah Skurdal, which features esteemed speakers in the self-care industry: Carol Pilkington, Carolyn McGee, Debbie Prediger, Nicole Batiste, and David McLeod. It's coming on September 10, 2022, with 90 minutes of online self-care resources and how to fortify your resilience. Resilience and living a life of joy, health, and harmony go hand in hand. Mark your calendar and find out more HERE


Blessings of love, joy, and peace.



Janette Stuart: Best Selling Author, Ordained Minister, Certified Angel Card Reader, Blogger, Military Mom, and Emissary of Joy at Angel Angles and Well-Being and Wonder will assist you to own and embrace your divinity and live a life of love, joy, and peace. Gentleness and Joy are her

Joyful Living Requires Bravery

Even when the rest of the world seems to be falling apart before your very eyes, don’t feel guilty for feeling and exuding your joy. Your joy is a beacon of hope for others, especially during challenging times. And oh boy, have times been challenging for us all.

Joyful living requires us to be brave. Brave enough to choose joy and shine our brightest despite what is happening around us.

Joy is the core of who you really are. Joy is your birthright, and joy is your essence. It’s also a contagion for good.

We knew this truth as children before we were tamed by society. We moved with joy and frolicked. We’d skip around from place to place just for the sheer pleasure it gave us.


We knew how to delight in the simple pleasures of nature, hello splashing in a puddle, making a wish upon a star, and using our imagination bravely. Remember how that felt? When was the last time you skipped? Do you even remember skipping?

My friend, Pam Bohlken of Healing in Progress and I enjoyed some time frolicking at a wellness retreat in Maryland last month.

Our joy was second nature to us: instinctual, and then we were taught to be still, sit quietly and conform. Joy was slowly groomed out of our lives as we learned  to be “responsible adults.”

At age 12, I remember shutting down my inner child when I became a woman thinking, Now that I’m a woman, I’d better act like one, and I put my inner joy, my zest for life, that spark of divine goodness, behind a locked and dreary door that no one could access.

Your joy is a beacon of hope for others, especially during challenging times, and oh boy, have times been challenging for us all.


Here’s my favorite quote about joy.

“It’s not just that your purpose is joy, it is that you are joy. You are love and joy and freedom and clarity expressing. Energy-frolicking and eager. That’s who you are.

And so, if you’re always reaching for alignment with that, you’re always on your path, and your path will take you into all kinds of places.”
Abraham Hicks


A way to bravely live my joy is to swing at a park. Yes, swinging in a public park when others are nearby. I love to swing, and it gives me a sense of freedom. By being brave and enjoying the gift of swinging, even if I look silly to others, I can inspire others to live more courageously and do what they love.

I encourage you to live your life joyfully by doing what lights you up. Maybe today, you’ll do one thing to spark that joy in your own life.


Joy is different than happiness. Happiness is fleeting and depends on outer circumstances, and joy is a deep-seated inner spark of divine goodness. It is possible to live joyfully amid struggle, illness and hardship. I know it’s true because I’ve experienced that joy many times during challenging times, including when my precious brother was dying and during my healing journey with pancreatic cancer in 2019.

Want to find out more and cultivate extra joy in your life? I invite you to join in my online monthly donation-based event, The Secret Garden of Joy, in partnership with The Wellness Universe, where we’ll focus on joyous living for an hour as we leave the world behind to discover, explore, and dream. Find out more HERE.

Blessings of love, joy, and peace.



Janette Stuart: Best Selling Author, Ordained Minister, Certified Angel Card Reader, Blogger, Military Mom, and Emissary of Joy at Angel Angles and Well-Being and Wonder will assist you to own and embrace your divinity and live a life of love, joy, and peace. Gentleness and Joy are her

11:11 and All is Well: 11 Meanings for 11-11

Just what does 11:11, 11/11, or 1111 mean? Do you see this or other repetitive numbers often? If so, stay tuned, and we’ll explore the meaning.

Today is November 11 or 11/11. It is also Veteran’s Day or Armistice Day. World War II was officially ended in the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1945.

Today is a personal favorite of mine because it’s our son’s birthday. He was born in the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month and weighed almost 11 pounds (10 lb. 12 oz.) I see 11:11 nearly every day. I see 1:11 often, I can’t tell you how many times I have 111 unread emails. So, what does it mean?

According to angel numbers and numerology, 11:11 means many things. I’m sharing 11 things because I couldn’t help myself:

  1. Pay attention, awaken

  2. You are one with life

  3. Live in Light

  4. Creativity and genius

  5. A fresh start and new beginnings

  6. Big things are in store

  7. Your dreams are being made manifest

  8. Balance and synchronicity

  9. A portal or doorway to trust

  10. Your angels are sending a message

  11. All is well; you are on the right path

When I see 11:11, I think of my son and send a blessing. I also thank God for the gift of his life and how grateful I am to be his mom. I usually think or say, “11:11, and all is well.”

Another visual I remember when seeing the number 11 is from my friend Moira Hutchison: Intuition Cultivator, and Mindset Mentor, showing us her index fingers of both hands with the hands apart, saying 1 and 1, the Universe and me and bringing the fingers side by side forming the close connection showing the number 11 as we are one with the Universe, we are not alone, the Universe and we are one. A compelling image indeed. Maybe it resonates with you also. You may want to visualize that image next time you see the number 11.

What do you think of when you see 11:11?

Do you also see other repetitive numbers? If so, pay attention to those numbers and google their meaning as you are being guided. Repetitive numbers are definitely signs of love from above, and warrant our attention.

We have lots of repetitive numbers in our family:

  • Grandma was born on 4-4

  • My Husband was born on 10-10

  • Son was born on 11-11

  • Sister and I share the same birthday, 3-26, and we are not twins (I’m five years older), and our great-grandmother was also born on 3-26

I’ve always loved numbers and numerology, and angel numbers fascinate me. As an angelic practitioner, many people I serve are on the lookout for signs that they are on the right track and are loved, supported, and protected.

So, what other things are signs of love from above and warrant our attention?

Here is a list of ways the angels send us messages:

  • Feathers

  • Coins

  • Songs

  • Repetitive numbers, thoughts, or ideas

  • Snippets of conversation we overhear

  • Synchronicities

  • Birds, dragonflies, butterflies, or other gifts of nature that fill us with awe

  • The scents of roses or other sweet fragrances

  • Intuitive guidance

  • Inner knowing

Feathers are often signs of love from above sent to get our attention. What other symbols do you frequently find?

Enjoy your 11/11 and next time you see 11:11 or the number 11 perhaps this article may spark the sense of you being on the right path, that you are not alone and there is lots of divine goodness grace for you.

I offer 1:1 angel sessions that benefit people seeking guidance, clarity, or direction. I invite you to find out more if it resonates with you.

Blessings of love, joy, and peace.



First Published on The Wellness Universee on Nov. 11, 2020.

Janette Stuart: Best Selling Author, Ordained Minister, Certified Angel Card Reader, Blogger, Military Mom, and Emissary of Joy at Angel Angles and Well-Being and Wonder will assist you to own and embrace your divinity and live a life of love, joy, and peace. Gentleness and Joy are her