Angel Messages

Savor: Card of the Week Message - Love Notes from The Divine Inspirational Card Deck

Welcome to your “Love Notes from The Divine” Card of the Week for Sept. 20 -26, 2020

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Welcome to your “Love Notes from The Divine” message for Sept. 20 - 26, 2020.

“Take some time to mindfully savor the goodness that you are experiencing. Paying attention produces joyful results.”

Ah, what a beautiful invitation for this week, to savor the goodness in our lives. If you like to journal, grab your journal and a favorite pen to write a list of all the good things that are going on right now in your world. If journaling is not your thing and you prefer to make a list on your computer, tablet, or phone, do that. If you want to mentally take note of the goodness surrounding you that’s fine too but writing it down or speaking it engrains the gratitude more fully in our lives.

This is the time to put complaints or excuses aside. We are being invited to see what is going right in our lives right now. This invitation can take 1 minute or all day, it’s up to you, dear heart.

What does savor mean?

In this context, we’ll define savor to mean to take pleasure from, to appreciate relish, or enjoy.  Doesn’t that sound delicious?!

We know when we savor a dish of food that is particularly pleasing to us it affects us viscerally. It delights our sense of taste, sight, and smell. We may ooh and ahh about it, we may want to know how it’s prepared, where it came from, and how can we replicate the experience again in the future. An aroma may trigger a pleasurable experience from the past that we have savored.

Take a few moments to look around you or to think about the things that bring you a sense of loving gratitude or delight. It could be a person, place, or thing.

What is bringing you great pleasure or delight in your life right now? It could be something you see in the room with you, it could be a memory, a person, pet, food… Think of all the reasons this person, place or thing delights you.

Bask in this goodness. Delight in it. Revel in it. Savor it. The feeling of savoring improves our mood and releases the feel-good hormones dopamine and serotonin. Savoring things is a pleasurable act of self-care that you can embrace many times during your day. 

Esther Hicks via Abraham talks about this concept and calls it a Rampage of Appreciation. You may want to find out more about it. It’s a practice I employ regularly.

Happy Savoring, dear heart.



Want to learn more about the angels? I have a free, Facebook Group, Angel Circle of Gratitude you may want to check out. Each Tuesday at 10 a.m. Pacific/1 p.m. Eastern join for a lovefest with the angels and mini-card readings for those attending live.

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Janette Stuart: #1 Best Selling Author, Certified Angel Card Reader, Blogger, Military Mom, and Emissary of Joy at Angel Angles with Janette Stuart which will assist you to own and embrace your Divine Beauty and live a life of love, joy, and peace. Gentleness and Joy are my Superpowers.

Solitude: Card of the Week Message - Love Notes from The Divine Inspirational Card Deck

Welcome to your “Love Notes from The Divine” Card of the Week for Sept. 13 -19, 2020

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Welcome to your “Love Notes from The Divine” message for Sept. 13 - 19, 2020.

“A wonderful way to connect with Divine guidance is to spend time in
quiet contemplation. 
The Divine would love to have a date with you today.”

Perhaps this is the best invitation you’ll ever get! The Divine would love to have a date with me? Today? Wowza.

This week in my Facebook Group Angel Circle of Gratitude, we pondered Quiet Time and Rituals.

Folks shared how important their Divine connection was in their daily lives.  Being still and in quiet contemplation listening to the inner wisdom, the whispers being shared.

Today, a friend shared a message during our group class.  I asked her to read it again and invited all of us to close our eyes so that we could more deeply receive the message in our hearts.  I remember saying “I can hear better with my eyes closed.” That feels like there are fewer visual distractions and I could more easily savor the words she shared.

·       How do you feel about solitude?

·       Do you relish it?

·       Does it make you joyous or nervous?

·       If you enjoy solitude, do you get enough time in solitude?

·       If you enjoy solitude, what best fills you up?

I require a huge amount of solitude to keep myself “fully charged” in my optimum state of positivity.  As an empath, I need to protect my inner peace by indulging in solitude as a self-care practice.  I’m also an extrovert according to my Myers-Briggs assessment (ESFJ). I may be the most introverted extrovert on the planet, LOL. That means the world sees me as outgoing.  I love people and I love myself even more.

I love myself enough to take the self-care measures so that I spend enough time in solitude, resting, in a state of peace through meditation, nature, and quiet.

Nature is a superconductor for the Divine.  So many of us enjoy getting out in nature, interacting with our pets, enjoying the gifts of plants or flowers when we are delighting in solitude.

I also love to write in solitude, my creativity soars when my cup is filled. 

What happens if I don’t get enough solitude?

I get overwhelmed, cranky, and short-tempered.  I much prefer operating from a place of joy and positivity.

What happens if you don’t get enough solitude or if you get too much?

Sending you blessings of love, joy, and peace, as you delight in some solitude this week, dear heart.



Want more connection with the angels? I have a free, Facebook Group, Angel Circle of Gratitude you may want to check out. Each Tuesday at 10 a.m. Pacific/1 p.m. Eastern join for a lovefest with the angels and mini-card readings for those attending live.

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Janette Stuart: #1 Best Selling Author, Certified Angel Card Reader, Blogger, Military Mom, and Emissary of Joy at Angel Angles with Janette Stuart which will assist you to own and embrace your Divine Beauty and live a life of love, joy, and peace. Gentleness and Joy are my Superpowers.

Fellowship: Card of the Week Message - Love Notes from The Divine Inspirational Card Deck

Welcome to your “Love Notes from The Divine” Card of the Week for Sept. 6 - 12, 2020

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Welcome to your “Love Notes from The Divine” message for Sept. 6 – 12, 2020.

“One of God’s great gift to you is to spend time with like-minded souls who inspire and uplift you.
Perhaps today is a great day to make that connection.”

I am marveling at the perfection of the timing of this message. I belong to a group that consists of like-minded souls, many of us have never met in person, yet have this soul-connection that inspires and uplifts each other, and this very card was mentioned by one of the members this past week. I love it when these synchronicities show up.

Perhaps you’ve been looking for your group of like-minded souls: your tribe. This message could be just the impetus for you to make that connection. If you don’t know where to turn, you can ask the angels for assistance or consult an uplifting friend. There are so many resources on the internet that could benefit you, dear heart.

You are probably following Angel Angles with Janette Stuart on Facebook or Instagram if you are seeing this message. I also have a private Facebook group that you may be guided to join and daily we cultivate more Gratitude, Love, Appreciation, and Delight/Devotion (GLAD) in our lives at Angel Angles Angel Circle of Gratitude

Many of us are feeling disconnected from our usual social circle due to the developments that have shifted everyone’s lives this year on the planet. We are missing that physical closeness, that connection. We are not missing the material things as much as being with our friends and loved ones in close physical connection.

Thank goodness for technology which has helped bridge this gap during this unprecedented time. The ability to virtually connect has helped me so much to maintain my social connections and I hope it has been beneficial to you too, dear heart.

Blessings of love, joy, and peace.



Want more connection with the angels? I have a free, Facebook Group, Angel Circle of Gratitude you may want to check out. Each Tuesday at 10 a.m. Pacific/1 p.m. Eastern join for a lovefest with the angels and mini-card readings for those attending live.

jms dress in water headshot 1_2 size 2020.jpg

Janette Stuart: #1 Best Selling Author, Certified Angel Card Reader, Blogger, Military Mom, and Emissary of Joy at Angel Angles with Janette Stuart which will assist you to own and embrace your Divine Beauty and live a life of love, joy, and peace. Gentleness and Joy are my Superpowers.

Relationship: Card of the Week Message - Love Notes from The Divine Inspirational Card Deck

Welcome to your “Love Notes from The Divine” Card of the Week for Aug.30 - Sept. 5, 2020

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Week 35

Welcome to your “Love Notes from The Divine” message for the Week of Aug. 30 - Sept. 5, 2020.


“Your most important relationship is with your Creator. God is your ultimate soul mate.
Nurture yourself with gentle self-care. You are so worth it.”

We came from pure, unconditional love when we chose to be born here and will return there when our earthly mission is complete. We have never lost this divine love, we carry it with us although we may have forgotten we had access to it.  We are not separate from our Creator, our very breath is the breath of God. 

To have successful relationships with others, we must cultivate this divine relationship and love ourselves.  We cannot look to others to fulfill or complete us, only our Creator can do that. 

Here is a snippet from my “On a Path of Joy”, Vol. Two, Day 1 that speaks of this relationship.

“The most important relationship we can have is with our Creator.  God is my Ultimate Soulmate.  Let me repeat that again, “God is my Ultimate Soulmate.”  It is a love that has no bounds.  It is unlimited, pure, unconditional love.  I am so grateful for this love.  I am better able to love others in my life because of this strong relationship with my Creator.  We connect first thing in the morning and the last thing at night, and so many times during the day.  The good news is that you too, beautiful one, only need to reach out in faith and seek that connection. 

How many days, months, years or perhaps decades have we gone through life without considering this truth?  I know I spent ages without realizing the importance of my relationship with God as my primary relationship.  For most of my life, God was someone I thought about mostly once a week at church.  As I got older, I was more focused on finding a boyfriend or boyfriends, and eventually, a husband whom I considered my soulmate.   I am so blessed to enjoy a loving relationship with my husband and it is made all the better because of my ultimate soulmate relationship with the Divine.  In fact, every relationship in my life is better because of my relationship with the Divine.  The same can be true for you too, dear one.  And so it is.”

How do you cultivate your relationship with the Divine? 

Some people find a deep connection while in nature or in a place of sanctuary.  Just like any relationship in life, connection with the Divine takes effort on our part.  It is an act of devotion.  You can simply ask to open the door to have a dialogue and allow the still small voice within to bubble forth.  You don’t have to do it a certain way or use specific words, whatever seems like your truth will do.  You are worthy and deserving of this blessed relationship.  You don’t have to be holy or perfect in order to enjoy a relationship with the Divine, only willing. 

May blessings of love, joy, and peace wash over you, dear heart.




Want more connection with the angels? I have a free, Facebook Group, Angel Circle of Gratitude you may want to check out. Each Tuesday at 10 a.m. Pacific/1 p.m. Eastern join for a lovefest with the angels and mini-card readings for those attending live.

jms dress in water headshot 1_2 size 2020.jpg

Janette Stuart: #1 Best Selling Author, Certified Angel Card Reader, Blogger, Military Mom, and Emissary of Joy at Angel Angles with Janette Stuart which will assist you to own and embrace your Divine Beauty and live a life of love, joy, and peace. Gentleness and Joy are my Superpowers.

Meditation: Card of the Week Message - Love Notes from The Divine Inspirational Card Deck

Welcome to your “Love Notes from The Divine” Card of the Week for Aug. 23 - 29, 2020.

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Week 34

Welcome to your “Love Notes from The Divine” message for the Week of Aug. 23-29, 2020.


“Beloved, take some time in quiet reflection today.  There is much Divine goodness and wisdom flowing to you today, precious one.”

Meditation is not always what you think it is.  It doesn’t mean you have to sit in silence cross-legged on a pillow for hours on end, but it could mean that if you enjoy it. 

The whole point of meditation is to slow down the chatter in our mind so that we can hear our inner divine guidance. We are worthy and deserving of this luxurious self-care. 

Here’s a quote from Louise Hay’s book “Trust Life” – August 18

“We are worthy of taking time each day to get in touch with the inner voice, to listen to the answers that come from the inner master.  If we don’t, then we are only operating on 5 to 10 percent of what is really available to us.

There are many methods of learning to meditate.  There are all sorts of classes and books.  It could be as simple as sitting in silence with the eyes closed for a short period of time.  Remember, meditation is merely a way of you getting in touch with your own inner guidance. While we are always connected with this guidance as we go about our day, it is easier for us to consciously connect when we sit quietly and listen.”

Some other ways you can meditate are:



Walking in nature

Listening to soothing music


Making Bread


There are lots of videos and apps that can assist you in your meditation practice. You certainly don’t want to stress about not meditating properly. You can’t get it wrong.

Wishing you a beautiful week of tuning in to your own divine guidance.



Want more connection with the angels? I have a free, Facebook Group, Angel Circle of Gratitude you may want to check out. Each Tuesday at 10 a.m. Pacific/1 p.m. Eastern join for a lovefest with the angels and mini-card readings for those attending live.

jms dress in water headshot 1_2 size 2020.jpg

Janette Stuart: #1 Best Selling Author, Certified Angel Card Reader, Blogger, Military Mom, and Emissary of Joy at Angel Angles with Janette Stuart which will assist you to own and embrace your Divine Beauty and live a life of love, joy, and peace. Gentleness and Joy are my Superpowers.

Faithfulness: Card of the Week Message - Love Notes from The Divine Inspirational Card Deck

Welcome to your “Love Notes from The Divine” Card of the Week for Aug. 16 - 22, 2020.

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Welcome to your “Love Notes from The Divine” message for the Week of Aug. 16 - 22, 2020.

”The Divine has only love and your best interest at heart. Your Creator is ever faithful and loves you unconditionally.”

“All I have needed Thy hand hath provided, great is Thy faithfulness Lord unto me”…these beautiful words are from the classic hymn by Thomas O. Chisholm in 1923. They were written at the beginning of the Depression, in the face of uncertainty, economic devastation, and shortage.  Not unlike the times, we are experiencing now.  They were based on Lamentations 3:22-23 in the Old Testament, and ring true today as they did almost 100 years ago when they were first written.

Maybe you know this classic hymn and will be guided to sing along or maybe you’ll be guided to check it out on YouTube and may it bless you with so much love, joy, and peace.

Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father;
There is no shadow of turning with Thee;
Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not;
As Thou hast been, Thou forever will be.

Great is Thy faithfulness!
Great is Thy faithfulness!
Morning by morning new mercies I see.
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided;
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!

Summer and winter and springtime and harvest,
Sun, moon and stars in their courses above
Join with all nature in manifold witness
To Thy great faithfulness, mercy and love.


Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth
Thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide;
Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow,
Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside!


This message is a reminder that our Creator has only pure, compassionate love for us and is faithful always despite anything that we think, say, or do. 

Dear Heart,

You are loved unconditionally and unchangingly.  There is nothing but love for you from your Creator and the angels which are God’s messengers.  May you lean into this truth in full faith, knowing that you are enough always just as you are.  There is nothing you could have done to change this truth.  You are a precious Child of the Divine yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

May the peace that endures, the presence to cheer and guide, the strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow bless you ten thousandfold, dear heart.



Want more connection with the angels? I have a free, Facebook Group, Angel Circle of Gratitude you may want to check out. Each Tuesday at 10 a.m. Pacific/1 p.m. Eastern join for a lovefest with the angels and mini-card readings for those attending live.

Blessings of love, joy, and peace.



jms dress in water headshot 1_2 size 2020.jpg

Janette Stuart: #1 Best Selling Author, Certified Angel Card Reader, Blogger, Military Mom, and Emissary of Joy at Angel Angles with Janette Stuart which will assist you to own and embrace your Divine Beauty and live a life of love, joy, and peace. Gentleness and Joy are my Superpowers.

Outdoors: Card of the Week Message - Love Notes from The Divine Inspirational Card Deck

Welcome to your “Love Notes from The Divine” Card of the Week for Aug. 9 -15, 2020.

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Week 32

Welcome to your “Love Notes from The Divine” message for the Week of Aug. 9 – 15, 2020.

“The energy of nature is more easily assimilated while you are outdoors.  Get some fresh air, open the doors and windows. Take three deep cleansing breaths. Let the stale air out and the fresh air in.”

This week is all about the energy of clearing the air, opening up the doors and windows of your home, and some inner fresh air. This is perfect timing as we are at the Lion’s Gate and fall is just around the corner here in the Northern Hemisphere.

We are being invited to be just like the trees, to release that which has served its purpose just as easily as the tree releases its leaves. 

Letting go after the season of plenty as we prepare for a time of rest as the days become shorter and the nights longer. 

We are remodeling and going through a cycle of transformation. Things are getting messier and disorganized and it’s uncomfortable, deliveries are delayed and there is a lot of time spent waiting, yet I know, in faith that the result will be well worth it.  There is a lot of physical labor that needs to be done.  Some, I can do, other things require help.  Some is relying on someone or something else. 

This remodel project is a great metaphor for life and the changes we endure, some self-directed, others by circumstances beyond our control.

I find myself craving getting outside in nature, working in the yard. To leave the “mess” and get some fresh air. This message comes as a perfect reminder to breathe, shift the energy, and get some fresh air, and enjoy the outdoors.

How can you incorporate some outdoor time in your day, dear heart?

·       Enjoy a meal or snack outside.

·       Go for a walk during the day or after dinner.

·       Take a different route and stop at a park for a few minutes and look around.

·       Enjoy nature shows on your tv or computer if you can’t get out.

·       Reminisce about a favorite spot in nature. Share that memory with a loved one.

Blessings of love, joy, and peace.



Want more connection with the angels? I have a free, Facebook Group, Angel Circle of Gratitude you may want to check out. Each Tuesday at 10 a.m. Pacific/1 p.m. Eastern join for a lovefest with the angels and mini-card readings for those attending live.

Blessings of love, joy, and peace.



jms dress in water headshot 1_2 size 2020.jpg

Janette Stuart: #1 Best Selling Author, Certified Angel Card Reader, Blogger, Military Mom, and Emissary of Joy at Angel Angles with Janette Stuart which will assist you to own and embrace your Divine Beauty and live a life of love, joy, and peace. Gentleness and Joy are my Superpowers.

Peace : Card of the Week Message - Love Notes from The Divine Inspirational Card Deck

Welcome to your “Love Notes from The Divine” Card of the Week for Aug. 2 - 8, 2020.

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Week 31

Welcome to your “Love Notes from The Divine” message for the Week of Aug. 2 – 8, 2020.

“The Divine is here to help you feel more peace. Right now, stop and take three long deep breaths. Repeat as needed and ask the Divine for a double dose of peace.”

The angels are whispering it is time to simplify, to take it easy, and to allow peace to permeate every cell of our bodies. We can do this by stopping to take a conscious breath, to allow our lungs to expand and fill with a fresh, healthy dose of life-giving oxygen, and to exhale the old, the tired, the feelings of angst we may be holding onto to make way for peace. We can do this at any moment of the day. Enjoy this delightful gift to bless every cell of your body.

Yes please, to a double dose of peace. Remember what a gift it was as a child to be able to order a double scoop of ice cream? That’s today’s invitation…to ask for, receive, and celebrate the gift of added peace in your life. Feel it…receive it…savor it…ah, that gift of peace is always there when we choose to indulge in it. 

Your peace radiates out into the world as a bright beacon of hope to all those you influence.  Not only is it a gift to you, dear heart, but it is also a gift to the world. 

What the world needs now is peace. It starts with us. It starts with centering ourselves and receiving the gift of divine peace with a heart full of love and gratitude. You are worthy, you are deserving and you are capable of drawing in this gift of peace. Amen and so it is.

Blessings of love, joy, and peace.



Want more connection with the angels? I have a free, Facebook Group, Angel Circle of Gratitude you may want to check out. Each Tuesday at 10 a.m. Pacific/1 p.m. Eastern join for a lovefest with the angels and mini-card readings for those attending live.

Blessings of love, joy, and peace.



jms dress in water headshot 1_2 size 2020.jpg

Janette Stuart: #1 Best Selling Author, Certified Angel Card Reader, Blogger, Military Mom, and Emissary of Joy at Angel Angles with Janette Stuart which will assist you to own and embrace your Divine Beauty and live a life of love, joy, and peace. Gentleness and Joy are my Superpowers.