
How to Manage a New Pet and a Business without Feeling Overwhelmed Guest Blog by Cindy Aldridge

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So, you’re starting a new business and you just welcomed a new furkid to your life. Those are two exciting and major life changes! If you’re feeling a little anxious about taking such big steps at the same time, you really don’t have to feel that way. That’s because balancing life as a pet parent and business owner is pretty simple when you have the right tricks up your sleeves.


To make the most of these two blessings, check out these tips from Angel Angles. (Janette’s beloved rescue dog Spike is featured in the blog thumbnail.)


Don’t Try to Do It All on Your Own


Whew, you definitely are going to have a lot on your plate! The secret to not getting overwhelmed is pretty simple though. You just need to get comfortable asking for help! That help could come from family members who can help look after your pet during work hours.


If family or friends aren’t available, you can always budget for a dog walker or pet sitter to keep your new furbuddy company while you’re busy building your business. There are helpful apps that make finding the right caretaker a snap, and then you’ll have some peace of mind.


On the subject of apps, if you need an app built for your new business, you could also outsource this task to freelancers. Not only will this free up more time than you can spend bonding with your pet, but it will also help ensure a more user-friendly and polished final result. If you need even more help, you can find freelance virtual assistants, graphic designers and so much more.


Do Make Time for Your New Companion


Animals need time to feel safe and comfortable in their new home, and you will need this time to get to know your new best friend. You can make the most of this time by creating consistent routines and safe spaces in your home, both of which will help your pet thrive. Then, you won’t feel like your schedule is being overrun by your pet and business.


One way to help your dog feel right at home is to crate train. If you’ve never used crates before, you may think they’re pretty cruel, but most dogs love crates because they feel like a soothing den. The trick is to make sure your dog associates his crate with positive things, like treats.


By the way, if you need a boost of happiness during your workday, go for a walk with your new dog! Spending time with your pet can relieve stress, but so can spending time getting in touch with the great outdoors. Combining these two mental health practices is even more powerful.


Don’t Forget Patience and Compassion


Did you adopt a rescue animal? If so, you should know that it can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months for your new pet to fully settle into a life with you. Seasoned rescuers and pet parents often refer to this as the 3-3-3 rule. Just like with your business, setting reasonable expectations with your furry family member can help mitigate stress.


Now if your new pet is stressing you out so much that it’s hard to focus on your business, it may be time to call in some professional help. There are some basics you can work on with your pet, but you should be able to find local trainers and classes to help with more serious issues. Investing in training can make life as a new pet owner and entrepreneur more enjoyable.


Perhaps most important of all, don’t forget to have compassion. Both for your pet and for yourself. This is a lot to take on all at once and you can totally do it! Even so, it helps to recognize all of your hard work and efforts. Remember to focus on your joy and blessings.


You’ve totally got this! You can run a successful new business and adapt to life with a new pet. Just focus on getting the resources and help you need to make caring for your pet easier. You can start with this guide and then look for other tools to smooth the process.


Photo Credit: Unsplash

Cindy Aldridge is a freelance writer and dog lover. She started Our Dog Friends as a fun side project for herself and to educate pet owners and potential pet owners about how dogs can enrich our lives. She enjoys writing about dogs and pet ownership. cindy@ourdogfriends.org http://ourdogfriends.org/


Nature is Calling: walking in wonder and amazement


Nature is Calling:

Walking in Wonder and Amazement

I wanted to do a little something different for my birthday this year. Our weather was so lovely and the great outdoors was calling. I wanted to get outside and have some fun. Maybe you do too, dear one.

I asked my husband if we could go walking in a park before our family dinner of celebration. He agreed. The park we planned to walk at was closed and under construction. So we changed our plans and found a new place to enjoy ourselves.

We took off to see what this new park and trail system had to offer. It had lots of majestic oak trees in various stages of rebirth following the season of rest.

The oaks closest to the creek were already leafed out. The trees farthest from the creek still looked "dead" according to my hubby. I invited him to look at the trees and see how they were emerging back-to-life at various stages. I was feeling the wonder and magnificence of their cycle of life and its implications in my own life.

I captured this picture of an oak just beginning its re-leafing process. The leaves start as yellow nubs at the furthest tips of the branches. The branches near the center of the tree remain barren.

Life is re-emerging following a season of rest. It is the way of nature.

Taking this walk and feeling the magic of our journey felt amazing. It felt like wonder. It felt profound. The angels urged me to write about it here with you today, dear one.

Are you feeling life emerging for you too, dear heart? If so, what is seeking to be born? Where do you want to place your energy?

If not, enjoy the rest until you are urged to start blooming yourself. It is all perfect and wonderfully timed.

The angels are reminding us to enjoy the blessed gift of nature. It is a wonderland awaiting our attention.

What beauty are you seeing today in your world?

Blessings of love, joy, and peace.


Nature is such a joy. If you are looking to bask in the energy of joy for 4 weeks come join us in Ignite Your Joy, early bird registration ends April 1. Save $11. Find out MORE NOW.

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Janette Stuart: #1 Best Selling Author, Certified Angel Card Reader, Blogger, Military Mom, and Emissary of Joy at Angel Angles with Janette Stuart which will assist you to own and embrace your Divine Beauty and live a life of love, joy, and peace. Gentleness and Joy are her Superpowers.


Wonder: Card of the Week Message - Love Notes from The Divine Inspirational Card Deck

Welcome to your “Love Notes from The Divine” Card of the Week for June 14 - 20, 2020

The invitation is to focus on the wonder you see in your midst this week.  The miracle of life, the beauty of nature, the taste of a perfectly ripe peach or berry, the smell of a favorite treat, a newborn…whatever that wonder is for you, dear heart, enjoy and savor it.  Celebrate it with a heart full of love and gratitude.  

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Welcome to your “Love Notes from The Divine” Card of the Week message for June 14 -20, 2020.

“Beloved, there is so much for you to behold in this world using your sense of childlike wonder.  Allow yourself the gift to savor the miracles which surround you.”

Yesterday, I led a class about Celebrating our Inner Child and it was glorious.  Such a well-timed escape to focus on the good memories of childhood for an hour.  We allowed the heaviness of the past few months to await us for another time and just delighted in the goodness which was healing medicine for us all.  The invitation is to focus on the wonder you see in your midst this week.  The miracle of life, the beauty of nature, the taste of a perfectly ripe peach or berry, the smell of a favorite treat, a newborn…whatever that wonder is for you, dear heart, enjoy and savor it.  Celebrate it with a heart full of love and gratitude. 

We all have an inner child within, no matter what our age, accomplishments, credentials, or experiences.  Our inner child wants to explore the world with a sense of innocence and wild abandon.  Our inner child wants to be free to explore the gift of nature and delight in the simple pleasures of life.  Our inner child wants to live life with a glorious sense of curiosity and wonder. 

Amen and so it is.
Love, Janette  

Want more connection with the angels? I have a free, Facebook Group, Angel Circle of Gratitude you may want to check out. Each Tuesday at 10 a.m. Pacific/1 p.m. Eastern join for a lovefest with the angels.

Blessings of love, joy, and peace always,



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Janette Stuart: #1 Best Selling Author, Certified Angel Card Reader, Blogger, Military Mom, and Emissary of Joy at Angel Angles with Janette Stuart which will assist you to own and embrace your Divine Beauty and live a life of love, joy, and peace. Gentleness and Joy are my Superpowers.
