Balance: Card of the Week Message - Love Notes from The Divine Inspirational Card Deck

Welcome to your “Love Notes from The Divine” Card of the Week for May 23-29, 2020

“Beloved one, may you easily attain balance in all areas of your life.  Letting go of those things which no longer serve you frees up more space for more goodness to flow to you. 
It is a balance of mind, body, and soul.”

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Welcome to your “Love Notes from The Divine” Card of the Week message for May 23 – 29, 2020.

“Beloved one, may you easily attain balance in all areas of your life.  Letting go of those things which no longer serve you frees up more space for more goodness to flow to you.  It is a balance of mind, body, and soul.”

This is our second repeat message in 2020.  We first received it 2 months ago.

How perfect is this card for this extraordinary time in our lives, dear hearts? 

When the very ground beneath was unsteady and when life as we know it has globally changed for all of us. 

You may have felt like you are treading water, like a lumberjack during a log roll competition like a toddler just beginning to walk or like a kid learning to ride a bike without training wheels those uncertain times. 

It takes incredible energy out of us to navigate this uncertainty.  So, dear hearts, if you find yourself more fatigued than usual, give yourself the rest and time you need to balance every area of your life. 

How has the balance in your life changed during these past 2 months?  Have certain things fallen away while you embraced the truly Important? Have you recalibrated to the uncertainty and regained your stability, your balance?

The angels are inviting us to give ourselves and others more grace than usual as we are all navigating uncharted waters.  I believe this is a time of metamorphosis and a time that will bring us back to what is truly important in our own lives. 

You are not alone, we each have at least 2 guardian angels who have loved us since before we were born.  They are just a breath away and if you ask for their assistance and allow it, they can help provide the balance and stability you crave. 

Want more connection with the angels? I have a free, Facebook Group, Angel Circle of Gratitude you may want to check out. Each Tuesday at 10 a.m. Pacific join for a lovefest with the angels.

Blessings of love, joy, and peace always,



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Janette Stuart: Best Selling Author, Certified Angel Card Reader, Blogger, Military Mom and Emissary of Joy at Angel Angles with Janette Stuart which will assist you to own and embrace your Divine Beauty and live a life of love, joy, and peace. Gentleness and Joy are my Superpowers.